Our Partners
A Huge thank you to our donors. To all the grownups who brings our birders to our adventures. To our young birders who show up with such enthusiasm and constantly inspire us. And to our organizational supporters.
Learn more about our partners by clicking on their logos.
When all our brand new Nocs Binoculars and Monoculars were stolen - they replaced them all for free.
Our Hero!
Annual grants for field trips and other activities for our young birders.
Supplied us with loaner binoculars for the first 10 years of MYBirdClub. They support us with Grants for field trips through the Savaloja Fund.
Annual Grants for field trips and other activities for our young birders
Funding supoort to lead field trips in T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary
Funding and guiding support to lead outings along bluebird nesting trails. We check nests and learn about Bluebirds and their conservation.
1% for the Planet members commit to donating at least 1% of annual sales directly to environmental organizations. MYBirdClub is listed as a qualified charity for donations.